Add a Business Listing

Photo: Claudia Schaefer

Add a Business Listing

List your business in Bowen Book’s online directory and reach more islanders!

Whether you’re a…

  • home office professional
  • contractor
  • restaurant, distillery or store owner 
  • or provide a service

…this is by far the most comprehensive online directory for Bowen Island,
allowing customers to find your business.

You can include photos, reviews or testimonials, website and email links,
and a full description of your products or services.

Have questions about listing in The Bowen Book? Please consult the ‘How To…’ sections below. If you don’t find the answers you need, contact us at

You can also email us to add a listing to the PRINT version of The Bowen Book, mailed each year in May for FREE to 1500 homes on the island, with an additional few hundred sold at island stores. We will send you the current listing options and rates for the next issue.

Package Options



Your Business’ Own Page

Full Contact Details with Active Links
to your Website and/or Email

50 Word Description

Add Your Full Page to an additional
Business Category for only $45



Your Business’ Own Page

Featured above Basic & Free Listings

Full Contact Details with Active Links
to your Website and Email

250 Word Description

Featured Banner Photo in a Top
Position in Your Category

Custom Ad Feature
(e.g. Specials or Promotions)

Add Your Full Page to an additional
Business Category for only $45



A featured business gets top position in the company listings for any category.

500 Word Description of Services, Testimonials, Reviews, etc.

Featured Banner Photo

Photo Gallery on your Page

Custom Ad Feature

Feature your Page in
3 additional Business Categories

Business Hours

Social Media links

Embedded Video

**Business Pages are completely accessible to their owners, allowing text, custom ads or photos
to be changed at any time throughout the year. Or if you prefer, we can do it for you.

How to Add a Listing

Search our Directory

Check to see if your business already has a free listing. If it does, you can claim a listing and improve it by choosing from our Basic, Enhanced and Premium Listing Packages.

Create an Account or Login

If you don’t see your business listed, you can create a user account on and then choose a package for your listing. Your information will NEVER be shared.

If you already have an account, go to the Add a Listing page and login to create a listing.

If your Business is not already in the Directory, Create a Listing

  1. Select a package from the package options above, and the form will refresh to provide you the correct fields to complete.
  2. If you’d like to have your business page occur in more than one category (e.g. Window Washing AND Gutter Cleaning), choose the number of additional categories needed (Premium Packages include up to 3 categories, Basic and Enhanced Packages are just $25/year for your page to appear in other service sectors).
  3. Fill out as many fields as you like. If you have an Enhanced or Premium Package, be sure to upload a photo for your banner and your featured spot in the category listings. The banner photo should be good resolution and under 1 Mg in size. You can play with different photos you have and see what works when previewed, or contact us for help.
  4. To list a public address, enter it and then hit the button ‘Set On Map’. For businesses without a public location on island, fill in Bowen Island and your postal code.
  5. Preview your listing in a new browser tab by clicking the Preview link.
  6. Go back to the tab with your form and click ‘Submit’.
  7. You will be taken to a Secure Checkout form and asked to provide payment.
  8. When you complete your order, you will get a notification with a receipt.
  9. Your business listing will be reviewed – so we can help you have a great presence on – and you will be notified when it is published and live on the site.

If you have any issues uploading photos, adding content, or otherwise, please let us know in the notes section, or by email; we’d be happy to help.

If your Business is in the Directory, Claim and Customize it

If you see a listing that appears in our Business Directory (with only basic information) that you’d like to claim and customize, please take the following steps:

  1. Locate your business page in the directory.
  2. Below Do you own this Business? click on ‘Customize Your Listing’.
  3. Create a new user account (or login if you already have one).
    Your information will NEVER be shared.
  4. Fill in the form to claim the business as your own.
  5. We’ll review your claim to the business. We may contact you directly to verify that you are the owner or representative of the business, or you will receive an email saying that your listing is ready to edit or upgrade.
  6. Once approved, you can edit or upgrade your business page as you wish!
    See below for instructions.

Edit or Upgrade a Business Listing

At any time you can edit or upgrade a listing you have claimed or created on

  1. Find your listing in our Business Directory.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Click the ‘Edit’ link that appears on your page OR click ‘Upgrade’ to choose a new package or add your listing to other business sectors.
  4. When you upgrade a to a new package, the form will reload with any new options
    (e.g. photo gallery, additional category options, etc.).
  5. Fill in the new fields and add any media, links or other details.
  6. Click ‘Preview’, which displays how your listing will look in a new tab.
  7. Click ‘Submit’ on the original tab with your form.

List Your Business in
Additional Categories

If you want to reach more customers by showing your business in other categories, you can add extra categories for just $25/year (Premium Packages include being featured in 3 categories so may be more economical).

Login to your account and go to your business page. Click on ‘Upgrade’ to choose the number of additional categories to be featured in. Scroll down on the form to ‘Categories’ and choose the extra categories from the drop down menu.

Click Submit!