Mary Lynn Machado, Personal Real Estate Corporation
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“I don’t believe we could share enough positive thoughts about Mary Lynn and how she represented us with selling our home on Cates Hill. Her professionalism, work ethic and attention to detail went above expectation… even pulling an all nighter working on our marketing material to reach a print deadline in the city the next morning. Mary Lynn has great connections with top of the line videographers and photographers. This combination of professionals ultimately resulted in a quick sale at full asking price! We highly recommend Mary Lynn to anyone currently looking to sell their home, or purchase a property on Bowen Island. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. – The Gooch Family”
People say that I am one of Bowen Island’s outspoken ambassadors – I am constantly singing its praises. I feel incredibly fortunate to live where I do.
I moved to Bowen after nearly 30 years of visiting friends, being drawn back time and again to its stunning setting, strong sense of community, and proximity to Vancouver.
The skillset I bring to real estate is unique. I honed my technical and artistic abilities in 3D Computer Animation/Visual Effects on Academy Award winning teams for films such as Life of Pi, The Golden Compass, and The Revenant. I have collaborated with creatives, engineers, producers, and directors, from all over the world.
I now direct my attention to detail and organization and focus on the niche market of real estate on Bowen Island. My eye for visual design is perfectly suited to marketing homes in the modern world of social media.
I am approachable and authentic, reliable and trustworthy. I love my island home. I would love to share it with you.
Licenced with Macdonald Realty Ltd.
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